Day 15: “A Mighty Forest”

By: Olivia Peine


“And his father Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied…”

Luke 1:67


Up until after Jesus’ death and resurrection, the Holy Spirit only periodically filled people of faith. In Luke 1, we see the Holy Spirit working increasingly amongst more people. Each time that he indwells one of the individuals in this chapter, it is either for the purpose of empowering the individual to fulfill their purpose from God or to awaken them in clarity to God’s plan for his people through the lives of John and Jesus.

In this instance, Zechariah is given a revelation through the Holy Spirit and responds by declaring it with amazement and gratitude. Isaiah 32:15 speaks of how when the Spirit is poured out on us, there is a spiritual blossoming that resembles that of a wilderness progressing to a fruitful field and ultimately to a mighty forest. The appearances of the Holy Spirit in Luke 1 are, in a way, signposts and hints of the approaching day when God says, “I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions” (Joel 2:28). This very thing was fulfilled after the resurrection and ascension of Christ when, suddenly, ALL believers at Pentecost were given the Holy Spirit (Acts 2). What a gift! What a joy! We have the God of the universe indwelling us (John 14:17)! While those who came before Christ could only connect with God by looking upward, we get to look inward as the Holy Spirit constantly accompanies us.

In the same way that the Holy Spirit clarified and illuminated the truths of God in this story, he awakens us to the complete satisfaction we experience because of our salvation. Our souls are bombarded by the pressures, responsibilities, and desires of this world on a minute-by-minute basis. Therefore, we need a constant reminder of what is of ultimate importance. We have been delivered from a path of death to a life of everlasting joy and peace! We will find our ultimate satisfaction in living a life that is honoring to our God rather than one that fulfills our immediate desires! The prophets and angels saw only glimpses of God’s fulfillment of his promise to rescue his people from their sin. Now we get to experience the full effects of this!


Our World

Our wayward minds are so easily distracted during the busy holiday season. How can we quiet our minds to be led by the Spirit and the truths of the Bible? Jesus set a very clear example of stepping away from the noise as he “often withdrew to deserted places to pray” (Luke 5:16). Jesus, who was tasked with the greatest mission in the history of the universe, was down to the line with only three years to accomplish it. Shouldn’t he have used every minute to teach his disciples and heal the sick? Do you ever find yourself taking on this mentality? Be encouraged that you have the freedom to bask in the presence of the Spirit in you because it is God who ultimately accomplishes each responsibility in your life. As my Grammy puts it, “Dependency is so key to a life of victory!”

We are given stern warnings to not quench or grieve the Holy Spirit or to scoff at prophecies in Ephesians 4:30 and 1 Thessalonians 5:19-20. What happens when we do not lean into this gift of connection with God? For some, living by the Spirit seems risky and others just don’t feel like they have time for it. When we live in either of these lies, we not only miss out on closeness with a constant encourager, but we also take on the most dangerous risk of all – attempting to live in a world of destruction without guidance from our protector. Rather than walking proud and confident in our own strength amidst the spiritual battle we face daily, let us take on the trusting and reliant attitude of little children whom Jesus said are the ones who embody the heart posture that will inherit the kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 19:14).


Abba! Father!

Thank you, thank you for the generous gift of your Holy Spirit. You have showered your undeserving children with a constant and close connection with you. Help me to respond to the good news of the gospel with the same awe and gratitude that Zechariah did. Lord, I so often forget how much I need you daily. Please humble me and remind me that I can only be satisfied by a life lived in connection with you. Give me the strength to obey your Spirit rather than act on my human desires.
