Day 17: “Merciful Father, Forever and Always”

By: Dylan Miller


(Luke 1:72)

“He has dealt mercifully with our ancestors and remembered his holy covenant…”


We serve a God who for all time has shown mercy to His people and His creation; we have many biblical accounts to show for this. For instance, Manasseh was one of the wickedest kings of Judah; he worshipped false gods and sacrificed children to them, but when he cried out for repentance, God heard his cry and forgave him in full. Over the summer at Salt Church, we went through the minor prophets. We learned of Jonah, who traveled to Nineveh, a city ridden with sin and evil. However, Jonah was not to deliver God’s judgment but rather God’s mercy, so that the city might be spared from physical destruction and spiritual destruction—by repentance. Countless more examples could be included, but let’s focus on the crucifixion. In this Advent reading, we have learned about the baby to be born to Joseph and Mary and the prophecies to be fulfilled through Him. The Son of God will endure false accusations, beatings, and nails through his flesh up on the cross. Even still, Jesus will look upon the crowds and soldiers carrying out this act against the Trinity and plead with God to show mercy on them. In the midst of such struggle and pain, Jesus continues to show the true heart of God through his desire to extend mercy to sinners.

We have story after story of the worst sinners falling into relationship with God, but not because of anything they have done or anyway that they “are.” It is all completed by God’s mercy. All humans are born into this world as sinners. All are in need of the mercy of God, and all are welcome to it. Some will deny this mercy because they really do not think they require it. Some will deny this mercy, believing that they are too far gone to receive this perfect gift. Others yet will deny mercy out of resentment or distrust in the Higher Power that allowed hardship or pain. However, assurances and promises run throughout the bible that God has seen, heard, and felt everything that you have gone through, and He still wants to bring you into His family through the never-ending extension of His mercy.


Our World

These stories are from thousands of years ago. Does that mean that God has changed and His mercy is no longer granted? Absolutely not. God is immutable, never changing throughout all time. He is the same God that He was at creation, the cross, and is at the present. Through the gifting of the Holy Spirit, lives are continuing to change through the mercy of God. It doesn't matter who you are or what you have done, mercy will continue to chase us down because of the love and kindness of our Heavenly Father. This also gives us the roadmap and example for how we are to put God on display to the world around us; we too are to offer mercy to those we encounter. We are called as Christ followers to “be merciful, just as your Father is also merciful” (Luke 6:36). Be quick to forgive those who have wronged you. Do not judge others for what they have done. Seek to bless others every day. Consider these questions as we eagerly await the coming of our Savior:

  • What keeps you from accepting God’s mercy?
  • How do you put God on display through the mercy that you extend to those around you?
  • Why is it hard to forgive and love unconditionally? What is the key to freedom from paying others back or withholding love?


Heavenly Father, I thank you for the mercy that you displayed to the ancestors and the mercy that you display to me constantly. Thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit who works within me to assure me of your mercy and love. Help me to remember your mercy is always extended, no matter how much I have fallen short. Give me the heart, compassion, and kindness to forgive those that are around me and offer the same mercy you have blessed me with.
