Day 6: “Supernatural Joy”

By: Indy Lo


Luke 1:44-45

"For you see, when the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby leaped for joy inside me. Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill what he has spoken to her!”


The Empire had won, and life would never be the same. Mary, Elizabeth, and the Jews living in Judea had been occupied by the fierce Roman Empire for several decades, and as every Jewish rebellion was snuffed out, the dwindling hope and joy for the promised Messiah—the Chosen One who would deliver the people from their oppressors—suffocated by the day. This was the harsh world that these friends knew as a foreign nation ruled over every aspect of their daily lives. Yet a supernatural hope and joy was coming that would be so powerful that it would cause the world to shake and never be the same. Here are three aspects from this passage that powered this revolution.

Prophecy Fulfilled

400 years of silence. After what is called the "Intertestamental Period" of God's silence between Malachi and the narrative of Luke, Mary has just learned from the angel Gabriel that she will conceive a child by the Holy Spirit, and that her relative Elizabeth, who was previously unable to conceive, is also supernaturally pregnant in her old age. Recognizing the alignment of prophecies from their Torah/our Old Testament, Elizabeth affirms the nature of God - that He does not turn his back on his people and keeps every promise. The assurance that God is trustworthy makes the upcoming joy possible.

Faith Emphasized

The medical marvel of Mary's virgin birth has caused much derision throughout history, starting with Joseph's initial reaction to divorce his wife. Yet Elizabeth's statement to her beloved relative and friend demonstrates one of the most important themes of the Bible - the power of faith and the blessings that flow from it. Elizabeth affirms Mary's belief in the Holy Spirit conception—despite its impossible nature—and congratulates Mary on her unwavering belief—and the favor it incurs!

Even Elizabeth's child, John the Baptist, recognizes the supernatural plan of God unfolding and leaps inside his mother’s womb. Hebrews 11:6 assures us that “without faith it is impossible to please God,” and that He “rewards those who earnestly seek him.” The assurance that God desires faith in his children and that he rewards such faith begins to foster joy.

Supernatural Joy

"Blessed" is more than a cute social media bio. In short, this word conveys a holistic sense of divine favor, approval, and joy; some translations use "happy" instead. This word in Luke 1:44-45 and "Blessed are the" statements of the Beatitudes in Matthew 5 are translated from the same Greek word, "makarios" (μακάριος). "Makarios" is used to describe a state of well-being that comes from God and is not dependent on external circumstances. When Elizabeth declares Mary "makarios," she considers her blessed not only because she will be the mother of the Messiah but also because of her unwavering belief in God's promises. This echoes the beatitudes in the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5, where Jesus pronounces blessings on those who demonstrate qualities such as humility, mercy, and righteousness.

Our World

As winter falls upon the world, so does seasonal depression for many, where darkness and hopelessness can make it hard to get out of bed in the morning or do other simple things. It can feel like you are waking up every day in enemy-occupied territory, and in more ways than we realize, that truly is the spiritual reality of our time here on earth. Let's reflect back on the three aspects of this passage in Luke and see how it can shake up our perspectives 2,000 years later.

Prophecy Fulfilled

Where do you feel like God is being silent in your life? If you could pick up your phone right now and call God, what would you ask Him? (Answer question now.) Take a moment to think about that. God asks us to lift up every request to him, promising he hears us, provides supernatural peace, and will come through in a way that demonstrates his power and glory (Philippians 4:6-7). If God didn't hold back his own son Jesus to keep his promise to his people, what else will he not do for the children he paid in blood for?

Faith Emphasized

What is a lie you believe about yourself? (Answer question now.) Maybe you feel like your past will never make you a good partner, or that your age or life stage is holding you back from really loving and serving God. Reflect on what truth your heart needs to hear today—to shift your focus away from getting by on your own smarts and strength and moving your trust to God. He really has made you “fearfully and wonderfully” (Ps. 139). And for all that remains broken within, God will transform you day by day through the Holy Spirit's power. With joy, you can cease striving and hiding. He is making you “who you already are”—the child God already sees you as.

Supernatural Joy

When was the last time you jumped and yelled in excitement? It could have been at the last home game for the Gators or at a friend's engagement party. What keeps you from brave acts of joy/celebration? (Answer question now.) I honestly struggle to think of when I was last leaping for joy in the Lord. Yet even baby John the Baptist, in his mother's womb, leaped for joy in the presence of Jesus. Thankfully, the joy solution isn't a fake smile at church or posting Bible verses; it is simply drawing near to Him as He promises to draw near to us in return (James 4:8). We are all seeking happiness, favor, and blessings in this life, and Jesus is the happiest person in the universe (Psalm 45:7). Let us draw near to him today so our hearts and spirits can leap for joy inside of us—like his— despite our circumstances. And who knows? Maybe our bodies will jump and yell too.


Help us to seek you, God, above all else. You are not like us; where we fail to keep our words and live with right actions, you come through every time. Let us surrender every doubt and anxious thought to you. Fill us with your supernatural peace from the Holy Spirit that you promise in Phillipians. Bless us with your presence, so that we might be truly happy today.
